There are several kinds of theories associated with the implementation of change into organisations but the most successful one is Kotter’s 8 step model for change so that organisations can implement everything very professionally. The basic steps of this particular model have been explained as:
- Creating urgency: This particular concept is based upon the identification of the potential threats and development of the scenarios so that everything can perfectly occur in the whole process and examination of the opportunities can be done very well. The companies need to start honest discussions and have proper access to dynamic and convincing reasons in the whole process. The request for support from customers and stakeholders is important in this particular area to strengthen the argument.
- Forming a powerful coalition: In this particular point the organisations need to identify the true leaders in the organisation as the stakeholders so that emotional commitment can be there and working on a team can be undertaken very easily so that there will be proper identification of the weak areas from different departments and different levels within the company.
- Creating a vision for change: In this particular point, the organisations need to determine the values which are very much central to the changes so that a summary of things can be developed very easily. It will always allow the organisations to create the strategy that will help in executing the vision very efficiently and further it is vital to ensure that the change coalition will be describing the vision in five minutes or less. The companies need to practise their vision speech often.
- Communicating the vision: This particular point will be dealing with how to talk about change vision and address the concerns as well as anxieties of the people very openly and honestly in the whole process. People need to apply the vision to different aspects of the operations from training to the performance reviews and ensure that everything will be undertaken very well. The companies can very effectively lead by example with the help of proper communication of the vision.
- Removing obstacles: Under this particular category there might be some people who will be resisting the changes and for this purpose, people need to identify, hire and change leaders whose main role will be to deliver the change. Companies need to have a look at their organisational structure, descriptions of jobs, performance and competition systems so that everything will be perfectly aligned with the overall mission and vision of the company. The companies over here also need to recognise and reward the people for making the changes happen and identification of the people who will be resisting the changes is the best way of becoming successful so that quick actions can be taken.
- Companies need to create short-term wins: In this particular point, everybody will be very much capable of looking for surefire projects which can be perfectly implemented without any kind of critical elements in the whole process of change. The companies need to choose the targets very efficiently so that there is no expensive element in the whole process and investment justification can be carried out very professionally. The companies also need to thoroughly analyse the potential merits and demerits of the target so that they can effectively succeed in the long run with the help of early goals which will never hurt anybody especially in the case of change initiatives. The companies need to reward the people who will be helping in terms of meeting the targets.
- Building the change: This particular point is very much important because it will help in providing the organisations with competitive opportunities of identifying what is right and how to improve things. After this, the companies need to analyse what went right and what went wrong so that improvements can be carried out very easily. In this particular area, companies need to set goals and continue building momentum so that continuous improvement can be carried out and change agents can be supported at every step.
- Anchoring the changes in corporate culture: At this particular point, everybody will be highly capable of including the ideals and values at the time of hiring and training new staff so that collation can be ensured at every step and plans can be perfectly created without any kind of issue.
Hence, being clear about Kotter’s 8 step model for change is vital for the companies to further become successful in the long run and declare a true victory.