Make Your Hemp Box Look Unique by Using Double Wall Frame Tray – 6 tips

Make Your Hemp Box Look Unique by Using Double Wall Frame Tray – 6 tips

Hemp boxes are the packaging material and it is used for primarily to pack sedative products. Sedative products are kind of medical drugs that needs more care for transporting or storing. These boxes are made from cardboard or boxboard which are mainly got fame due to their strength and durability. It can protect your product it and the quality of your product will be long-lasting.

These boxes can be printed with multiple options. Customization of outside graphics as per your need will grow your business. This is a technique to allure your targeted buyers and this will promote your business. By this marketing technique, you get two benefits, one you get a solid packaging box for your product, and secondly, your marketing will be done through custom printings outside of the packaging and ultimately you will grow your business.

Why packaging is an important aspect in businesses?

The packaging is vital in the meditational hemp production industry because it needs transferring of hemp products all over the world safely and here comes the part of hemp boxes to deliver your product without compromising it. These boxes do not only look good or alluring but they also protect your product from damage or any outside force or harm.

It keeps its freshness long-lasting and when a customer opens it and smells its freshness, he will buy it because one smell is alluring him, and secondly the special design ingredients and its graphics on the outside of the box. Using custom hemp packaging has many chances to grow your business and become a brand in your industry and you will have your separate customer’s followings for your brand.

Just selling the product was never important for a business, retaining customers is important. Anyone can sell the product but selling to the same customer is a hard job and this can be attained by the presentation of your product’s packaging. The style of your product’s box should look pleasant that a customer should fall in love with your product.


If you have a unique design, that is good. If you don’t have a design, there are so many designers, who will be more than happy to help you with your design. There are so many designs available online too you can choose from them if you have good picking capabilities. Your company tagline and motive should be big enough to catch customer’s eyes.

The color theme should look beautiful on your box to attract your buyer. The embossed logo looks premium on the box and that should be included too. You can print government warnings about the product and THC quantity on your product’s box will be good to aware your customers. These rigid boxes cannot only deliver your product but also its freshness too. Hemp is a delicate product and these boxes are fit for transferring this product. You can design every inch of your custom hemp boxes with help of professional designers. Creativity is a topmost priority. Creativity can enhance your product box design.

Hemp Boxes with double-wall frame tray

Using a double wall frame tray inside hemp boxes is the safest option available in the market. These trays are available in different sizes for your product. These trays look good in your box and attractive too. This is the best option for product protection while delivery.

Why we should use this tray in our boxes? The simplest answer to this question is that this is the safest way to deliver your delicate product. If you want to store it then still this is the safest way. You can use Styrofoam instead of it and of course, there are places where Styrofoam is used but that does not give it double protection like double-wall frame tray, another reason for not using Styrofoam is that it gets messy while using it and it looks cheaper, while on another side double wall tray does not get messy around and this double-wall frame tray gives a premium look. Branding does not come from the outside only this should be done on the inside too by using a double-wall frame tray. User unboxing experience increases when the user sees a double-wall frame tray inside of the box.

How this is the safest? Here comes the beauty of this double-wall frame tray. The gap between these walls is the answer. It protects the product with double protection wall and the air gap. Between it while getting pressed it does not bend due to the double wall and air gap and your product does not get harm due to any pressure or force. Bending of product is common in transferring but using a double-wall frame in the box. Will counter this issue and your hemp oil boxes will not get damage.

One of the main benefits of using this tray is that your hemp box is safe in prone to environmental conditions. Like your product does not get wet from water or any other weather condition.


We see almost every product in boxes because this is a safe way of transferring. But we often see double wall trays inside any box and this is because this is double protection of product inside it and this is long-lasting for product and box too. Hemp packaging is most important due to its delicacy and a rigid box with a double-wall frame. In it is the best option available to cater its delicacy with the care and protection. It needs while delivering to your consumer or customer.