When you test your ping on this website and it is unbelievably high, then you know you should do something about that right away. You can’t really afford it to be that high and expect to still be performing good in the game. It won’t be long before you lose and that won’t be good for your ego. We did all the necessary research for you as we were able to point out a few good points that will make you learn how to reduce ping in LoL or League of Legends. Here are some proven tactics:
Close Other Applications
It is normal to have some applications on your laptop or computer still open as you could have forgotten to close them while you were using them a while ago. It would be best to close them right now. Besides, you can always open them back again when you are done playing the game. For example, you were typing a document so Word is still open. It is also possible you were watching ‘Lucifer’ so Netflix is still open. Whatever the case, you can bet you would need to close them all until you get the hang of just League of Legends being the only one that is open. Better go to Task Manager in order to find out what other programs are currently open.
Update PC Drivers
According to this source, updating PC drivers would always be such a splendid idea in order to reduce the ping. Old drivers are never a good idea as they can interfere with your game when you least expect it. Thus, better update them when you are not playing the game. It won’t even take too much of your time as long as you close all the other programs that take up a lot of bandwidth.
Restart PC and Router
Perhaps, the easiest way to make sure League of Legends is the only thing that is open would be to restart the PC. After all, that would also take out all the unnecessary pop-ups that are actually open. You can’t blame yourself if you forget to close them due to how concentrated you are to winning the game. There will come a point when you realize you should deal with it sooner rather than later though.
Once you do any of the tactics above, it would be in your best interest to go back to Device Tests so that you can take another Ping Test It feels great that you don’t really need to download any software for this because the entire process is done in a few seconds. Believe it or not, you can do the Ping test as many times as you want until you are fully satisfied with the result. We all know the lower it is, the better it would be for professional gamers. Even if you are not professional yet, you know that can be such a huge help with how you elevate your status to possibly the next level.